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The Gift That Keeps On Giving SIT, STAY & READ!

My experience with donating a pup has been nothing short of special. Not only did the Hawes Family welcome a beautiful puppy into their life on July 23rd 2016, but Penelope (a JCG puppy) gained a best friend that very same day! Jade is a gorgeous 14 year old girl living with Retts Syndrome, and Penelope (now 8 months old) has no discrimination, no idea what Jade has been diagnosed with and definitely no desire to have any other human to call her best friend!

From having a background in Special Education as an Aid and studying a double degree in Disability to becoming a full time Dog Breeder, I found a lot of warmth in Jade's Story. I was brought to the attention of a Facebook post regarding Jade's story; Jade was diagnosed with Autism when she was 4 and by 2009, she officially became diagnosed with Retts Syndrome.

Jade has a deletion on the C terminal of the X chromosome that leaves her with limited speech, epilepsy and various physical limitations. But her amazing mum, Beth, describes her as nothing short of "smart, sassy, witty and such a lovely girl."

Having known Beth and Jade for the passed 10 months, I will be the first to say Jade is one of the most precious girls I've ever known. Seeing her with Penelope has made my heart melt on numerous occasions! Jade loves to go swimming, shopping, walking with Penelope, horse riding and eating out - her and I are so similar! After being touched on many levels with the Facebook post, I replied, and then shortly after was contacted by Jades wonderful teacher and respite carer, Annabelle. Annabelle has worked with Jade for a number of years and from this, they have a very close bond. Through in-depth conversations with Annabelle and her sister Emma, (who spread awareness through the FB post) I found out that Jade' s family had recently lost their beautiful Groodle, Bonnie, and I automatically wondered how I could help. Realising what they were after for Jade was quite simple - a smaller dog (mini) and preferably a different colour than what Bonnie was, we decided to go with Chocolate, as this is a colour I specialise in.

Annabelle Snowdon (Jades teacher) with Jade and Drew.

We arranged for Jade and her family to be on the list for our next mini litter and boy did it seem to come around quick! Penelope was born on 18th April 2016 by our beautiful Bronty girl. Beth, Jade's mum, has been nothing short of brilliant in the whole situation! Her comforting conversations regarding Penelope's new family and environment were music to my ears, especially as they lived in another state. Not only was I grateful for the opportunity to help Jade find a potential companion dog, but to have one of my beloved pups go to a brilliant family means a great deal to me, even to this day. Speaking of this day, today was the special day Penelope had her first training class with The Canine Classroom. This gives Penelope the chance to eventually become Jade's companion dog!

Go Nelly and Jadey!

So much love,

Tayla - JCG x


Jade and Penelope's first meeting

Penelope's human mummy, Beth.

(We are registered with AAPDB)

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Donations: Assistance & Therapy Puppies

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