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Behind the Scenes at Beanfeet Grooming

Behind the Scenes at Beanfeet Grooming

Ever wondered what goes into making your dog fluffy and beautiful even when they are dirty, knotty and matted? Here’s a small behind the scenes look at what this process looks like inside Beanfeet Grooming, South Morang. Josh specialises in fluffy style cuts, hand-stripping and de-matting.

This is Bodhi the beautiful white Groodle.

Owned by Jordan Country Groodles and Grooming. You can find them on Facebook. She lives on 10 acres and loves dirt, but she is also a lady and must remain looking fluffy and beautiful! A bit of a task.

1. What are we doing with Bodhi today?

Her owner only had 1 requirement; she must be fluffy and not look like a poodle! It’s very common that people ask me this.

We discussed what Bodhi could look like in the future and I came up with a grooming plan to best maintain her and get her into the perfect style in the future.

REMEMBER: if some hair needs to be taken shorter than preferred for the first groom, don’t fret! Hair grows back. Make sure your groomer has a plan for how you are going to grow her back in to the style you are looking for and of course what is best for the dogs health as well.

2. Removing the excess

Let’s start by taking some of that bulk off her body, often owners and groomers make the mistake of thinking fluffy and beautiful means to leave heaps of long hair everywhere. Taking her body shorter will allow her to not get matted so quickly, and make it much easier for her owner to maintain her between grooms.

A poodle is often very thick and heavy coated in their body and it is very difficult to maintain and brush, also not required for a fluffy cute haircut!

3. Warm bath and a clean up

After we take off some excess body hair and clip all around her hygiene areas (eyes, inside of ears, paw pads, armpits, bum, nails, belly area), it’s straight into the warm bath where we use only the best quality all natural products to give her amazing coat health and get her squeaky clean.

4. Brush, de-tangle and de-matt

The blow drying and brushing/combing process is often the most time consuming labour intensive part of the groom. For a big fluffy dog it could take at least an hour or more.

We meticulously work through every inch of the coat with brushes, combs, little gizmos and gadgets to ensure that your dog will not leave with knots and matts left in their coat.

Bodhi loves chilling on the table with me as I beautify her!

This process is a great reminder for why you should bring your dog in to the groomer between grooms for a bath and tidy up. Make it a part of your grooming plan for the future!

5. Starting to shape up

Now we start on the feet, work our way up the legs and the body, focusing on making sure we get a lovely velvet finish and of course the shape we have discussed with the owner in our grooming plan.

At this stage we may choose to leave hair in certain places or take hair shorter depending on what we plan on with her future style in the next few visits.

Cute and fluffy is the key!

The last order of business is to shape the head in whatever beautiful style we have discussed with the owner. In Bodhi’s case, we are planning on growing more hair over the top of her ears and nose, so to work towards in this groom we will just shape the head beautifully whilst not taking too much hair off.

6. The finish line

The finished product! She is very happy to have a lot of that hair off, bouncing around happy and full of energy. Her loving mum is very happy with how beautiful she looks! Definitely much whiter And most importantly, she does not look like a poodle! It was an absolute pleasure to groom Bodhi, she is a lovely happy dog and I can’t wait to see her next time.

Book your dogs in at Beanfeet Grooming so Josh can transform them into fluffy supermodels!

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